From Dr Swan's book: Count Down

"The average twenty-something woman today is less fertile than her grandmother was at thirty-five." 

It's amazing that anyone ever gets pregnant! 


I'm In!

Are you worried, stressed, or confused about your fertility treatment?

Picture leaving the doctor's office, your hands clutching brochures filled with images of joyous, expectant faces and adorable infants. The conversation has just shifted to IVF, and along with a series of test forms, you've been given of course, the breakdown of the financial burden of it all. Yet, you're left puzzled about the intricacies of IVF and the steps you need to take. It's as if a mistake has been made, leaving you to navigate a maze of uncertainty and solitude.

Feeling lost in a place you don't know isn't something you're used to. But now, you find yourself full of questions and looking for someone to show you the way.

You're not alone in feeling this way. Many before you have embarked on this journey feeling just as bewildered in the beginning.

You need confidence, peace, and deep understanding.

I want you to move ahead knowing exactly what to expect, with all the insights and help you need ready whenever you call for it.

You deserve a journey where you're fully supported and informed every step of the way.

Welcome to my Ongoing 1:1 Fertility Treatment Support program sparing you the rabbit hole of online searches. We will spend 8 hours together over Zoom, spanning 4 months.

You've got this, and I got YOU!

 Allow me to briefly introduce myself…


Hi, I’m Daria

I’m a qualified clinical embryologist with extensive experience in assisted reproductive technologies. 

I'm your go to person for who, what, why and how of fertility and IVF.

Need to know anything about fertility or IVF? I'm here for all your questions - the big, the small, and everything in between.

I've had the joy of working with hundreds of thousands of eggs and embryos, and I've played a part in bringing hundreds of little ones into the world. I'm here and ready to help you on your journey too!

I've been through the ups and downs of infertility and the IVF journey myself. It's like having an embryologist buddy right in your pocket, someone who understands exactly what you're going through.

I'm Your IVF Doula, and I'm so happy you've found your way here!



What you can expect when working with me 1:1

Let's dive into everything timing-related: cycles, periods, exercising, overall health, and yes, even relaxation and ways to reduce stress.

You might be surprised, but all these factors play a role in your journey to conception.

Begin by ensuring your raw materials for creating babies (your eggs and sperm) — are absolute tip top best they can be. 

Nurture - Nourish - Protect 

Whether you're just starting or have been through several cycles, we can discuss it all. Egg collection, sperm quality, fertilization, embryo growth, blastulation, and PGT - what do these terms mean, and how do they apply to you? (Don't worry if you don't have your medical records handy; we can work from what you remember and prepare some questions for later.)

I have accumulated approximately 14,500 hours of experience working in IVF laboratories. Personally, I have undergone two rounds of IVF and experienced a miscarriage. Along this journey, I have gained a wealth of valuable knowledge, and now, it's time to share it with you.



Have Questions? Let's Tackle Them Together:

  • Am I doing all I can?
  • Have we overlooked something that could help us conceive?
  • Should we think about fertility treatments?
  • Or question if continuing with fertility treatments is worth it?
Feeling overwhelmed by your fertility journey?

With all the talk of mature eggs, fertilization, cell stages, and medical procedures, it's no surprise you might need someone like myself by your side.

Drawing on my clinical experience and personal fertility journey, I really get the emotional rollercoaster that fertility treatments can bring.

I'm here for you every step of the way. 
  • Forgot what time to take your trigger? Just ask me.
  • Want to phone me from the car on the way home? I’m all ears.
  • Received a call from the lab but unsure what they meant? I’ll decode the doctor-speak.
  • Stuck in the dreaded two-week wait? I’m here for you.
​Your IVF Doula support means less stress, less confusion, and no more Dr. Google!



Daria I'm Ready!

Elena, California USA

"Her expert knowledge provided me the scientific comfort that I was looking for as well as emotional support during the rollercoaster IVF ride". 

There are no words to describe how blessed I was to have Daria’s advice during my IVF cycle. Mind you, this was my 4th cycle and yet I learned so much from Daria! Daria is caring, compassionate, extremely knowledgeable, empathetic, and simply the best!

She was my sounding board through the highs and lows of my journey. I could literally ask her about anything... From an article I've read to embryo quality results to the do's and don't of "all things IVF".  Daria is an embryologist by training which was such an important factor for me. Her expert knowledge provided me the scientific comfort that I was looking for as well as emotional support during the rollercoaster IVF ride. 

Daria has given me peace of mind throughout. It helped immensely that she's gone through a similar journey herself and her compassion shined through. I would recommend Daria to anyone who is thinking of going the IVF route.... 1st cycle or 5th!  Daria is simply AMAZING!

Mara, Scotland UK

"Doulas are born not made." 
"Doulas are born not made" from the book 'Why Doulas Matter' by Maddie McMahon and "it isn't so much what a Doula does or says, but who she is that matters" keep coming back to me as I recall my experience of meeting our embryologist Daria.
Daria is a naturally caring and invested person who in her daily work is able to see the individual person behind the figures, test results and procedures. To me she was that star, that rock, that caring voice filled with wonder, joy and feeling. Her loving blue eyes and open big smile were what I clung to, it is her enthusiasm and care in her work that gave me the strength to navigate the path to pregnancy from one blood test to the next. Daria was a Doula to me long before she started on her professional Doulaing journey.